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Kathleen Buchholz Grandmother October 19, 2014
I remember Jake sitting at our picnic table waiting to go swimming when we found out there was a tornado warning! So we told him we couldn't go! Jake was about 4 years old or even maybe a little younger! He was so upset; he crossed his arms & said " I don't care if a tornado comes and blows me away"! He was so stubborn! He used to stay at my house a lot & we always had fun! I miss you so darn much Jake! You are always in my heart & in my prayers! I love you!!!
Anthony Gust Super man October 19, 2014
One of my last great memories with jake was on the last birthday of his we spent together. We thought itd be a fun idea to go on a cruise in the backwoods late that night and low an behold it wast really a great idea for us to be out there at that point in time.... lol but anyway in the blink of an eye somehow jake managed to put the ghetto cruiser in a freaking steepish ditch... after about 10 mins of seriously trying to get the car out by going back an forth it was clear after the first good samaratin who stopped didnt wanna help us we were on our own.. so jake hopped out i jumped in the driver seat and we started rocking the car back and forth with jake pushing on the back.. No doubt by an act of super human strenth jake somehow shoved that behmoth of a car out of the ditch all the while i was kicking up tons of rocks and dirt at his legs which didnt seem to phase him in the least. And once we were out we went on our merry ol way the f outta there! Gooood times. Much love. Gone but not forgotten...
Stacey Schultz bats in the house September 13, 2014
On 313 we had bats in the attic and once in a while one would make its way into the house. One morning when Jim and I were getting ready for work one was flying around the house and ended up in Jake's room. He was sound asleep and Jim was in there chasing the bat with a broom. He eventually got it and Jake didn't seem to wake up but that night after work and school when we were all together again he talked about a dream he had that someone was in his room running around for some
Michael Watts Hanging out with Jake August 10, 2014
Jake and I started hanging out in the trailer park. He was probaly one of my first good friends. Him and I hung out just about everyday . Playing video games, watching football, wrestling playing video games...he introduced me to doom and final fantasy...I still don't understand how he was so good at doom on the Super Nintendo lol. Jake was a smart kid with good intentions on everything he did. You could see even arguing with his parents he would feel bad about it afterward even though he would never tell you. Instead we would give a smart remark but that was Jake. We all miss u left us way to soon.. Until we meet again my friend until then keep looking down at us smiling. I hope you listen cause I'm still having conversations bro.
Michael Watts Hanging out with Jake August 10, 2014
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